Living in the world requires you to endure it. Many spiritual practices allow followers to live in quiet spaces on the fringes of this world: monasteries, hermitages, etc. Although these lives are conducive to study, meditation, detachment; there is a lack of practice; coming up against the world, the resistance of matter. This is the gap between theory and practice.

Just by coming into contact with society, a person can immediately find himself contaminated with all kinds of negative vibrations. Entering into active contact with these environments therefore allows you to test your spiritual strength and your will, to understand the essence of the world, while having to assume your societal responsibilities (work, family, etc.).

However, during exposure to these negative environments, the individual can lose energy and find themselves contaminated by these negative states. It must therefore regularly recharge its energy and refocus in a pure environment in which it is protected, such as wild nature or a home.

But our inner world must confront reality in order to readjust and strengthen itself. Because it is possible to read books, to learn, to understand and integrate teachings; their true value will come through confrontation with reality. If practice corresponds to theory, it strengthens us and confirms the right direction. If theory is undermined by practice, this allows us to readjust and progress in a better direction.

One of the greatest obstacles to spiritual realization is this feeling of limitation and helplessness. Spiritual actions and progress have little or no effect on the world. Many feel attached to meaningless and exhausting jobs that can destroy their spiritual aspirations and motivations. Social, familiar and professional environments can drain their physical and mental energies. All this can deviate from the vertical path.

All these constraints, these obligations, these limitations are like dragons of the modern era blocking the heroic path to transcendence. They are as frightening and powerful as the monsters in fairy tales. The courage necessary to overcome them is the measure of mythologies and fairy tales. Who dares to face the ogre of responsibilities? Who has the courage to face the kraken of the working careers ? Who has the conviction to fight the army of social pressure? All these myths and symbols are more relevant than ever.