Definition of truth: used generally to designate the character of what is true, consistent with reality. Another more metaphysical definition: perception of reality by God.

Definition of lying: Action of lying, disguising, altering the truth

The truth has many counterfeits, but no substitutes. Lying has many advantages for imitating the truth.

The truth is one and indivisible. Lying is multiple and can take many forms.

The truth is enduring and continuous, it maintains itself over time without any need for external force. The lie, once started, can only be maintained by continual one-upmanship. The longer the lie lasts, the more difficult it is to maintain it, until the breaking point where the dams give way.

The truth can be altered, the lie can triumph by adorning itself with truth. During the end of the cycle, the memories of the cycle resurface and the values are reversed: lies can then dominate during times of revelation and purification.

The end of cycle is a test of discernment. Because on the one hand the truth is destroyed, forgotten or lost by centuries of stories. On the other hand, lies saturate all layers of reality. There is an inversion: the true becomes false and the false becomes the truth, the good is ostracized and the evil adorns itself with all the virtues.

The truth does not need to be defended, but the lie does need to be protected.

The truth must be simple, logical, coherent, authentic. A lie must be tinged with truth in order to make it more credible. Differentiating them can be difficult, or sometimes impossible. Reflection can become a trap that makes it impossible to decide between them. The intellect can be a dead end when it comes to discriminating truth from falsehood. Only discernment can definitely help separate them. The head, in alliance with the heart, can intuitively know and understand, and therefore feel the difference between lies and truth.

Half-true teaching is more dangerous than no teaching. Because mixing truth and lies can create perverted and misleading pseudo-truths. And lead to dogmas and deviant certainties.

The truth teaches us about reality and about ourselves. The lie teaches us about the person who makes them: their fears, their desires, their strategies and manipulations. And it also teaches us about ourselves who have believed it or who have seen through the lie.

Our inner truth is the most difficult to accept and live: “it is our own light and not our darkness that frightens us the most” Nelson Mandela. Of all the lies, it is the ones we tell ourselves that are the most difficult to accept and illuminate with the light of our inner truth.

The force of lies can only repeat the old. The force of truth, carried by the power of life, can sweep away the old, purify and regenerate matter.