To learn is as important as to unlearn. To know how to learn is as important as to know how to unlearn. 
Learning gives access to knowledge. And knowledge liberates and emancipates. But this knowledge can also become a prison through a dogmatic vision of reality that it imposes. Freedom becomes confinement, learned knowledge becomes certainty and ignorance.
To unlearn is to free oneself, it is to be able to move to a new threshold of consciousness where the type of knowledge will be different, less intellectual and more linked to the soul. Learning is then no longer accumulation, but absorption and inspiration. Knowledge is no longer burden and analysis, but lightness and intuition. The being having reached this threshold of the higher mind and the liberation of the knowledge of the past may experience a certain sadness of having devoted a significant part of his life, given time and energy, for useless things and bulky.
Wandering and transitions to new thresholds of consciousness are part of the path. Research allows you to discover and learn what is just, to reach the center and relevance of things. This appeals to a deep nostalgia hidden within us for a dimension to explore, for new knowledge to learn. An Egyptian text describes this approach:
“Before life reaches its perfection two-thirds are lost.
Man spends ten years as a little child without distinguishing death from life.
He spends another ten years learning to know life…
He spends another ten years to reach the end before his reason has reached experience”
So much knowledge learned that has become useless. How much precious time wasted before finding the right knowledge to learn. Knowing how to learn must be as important as knowing how to unlearn: freed from knowledge that has become a burden, the being achieves the freedom and emptiness necessary for the acquisition of new things. Life then stretches out in an uninterrupted momentum of learning, deliverances and new things. To unlearn is to be able to die to yourself, to make a clean slate of your knowledge and your ways of operating. It is being able to be reborn transfigured.