Both laws here are not dogmas but principles. These 2 principles of attraction and resonance are based on the same bases: thought is pure energy, energy attracts its like, consciousness influences reality.

The law of attraction is based on positive affirmations and visualizations. The law of resonance is based on the quality of being.

The law of attraction shapes reality during emotionally charged moments of concentration. The law of resonance constantly shapes reality.

The law of attraction requires practice, effort and intention. The law of resonance requires nothing, except to reflect being as it really is.

Life can reflect our intention through attraction. Life constantly reflects the nature of being through our resonance.

Our lives can reflect attraction in a precise and momentary way. Our life reflects the resonance of the soul completely and constantly.

Attraction is our intention and our thoughts. Resonance is the deep frequency of the soul.

Changing attraction is done through changes in intentions, thoughts, creative emotions. Changing the resonance is done through changes in the deep being.

Attraction is who we are during creative sessions. Resonance is who we are the rest of the time.

Attraction is the surface of being that is variable and modifiable by intention. Resonance is the deep foundation of being, continuous but nevertheless modifiable.

Attraction is who we want to be. Resonance is who we are.

The attraction that comes true is our intention that comes true. The resonance that is revealed is our being that is discovered.

Attraction is conscious wish. Resonance is the unconscious being.

Attraction evolves based on our emotions and intentions. The resonance remains constant because it is created by our immutable deep being.

Attraction is modifiable by our intention, our mind and our emotions. Resonance cannot be modified as desired because it comes from a part of us to which we do not have access.

Our life may be partially influenced by attraction but it is constantly influenced by the foundation of being through resonance.

It is possible to change one’s attraction with a new intention. It is possible to change its resonance through a total transformation of the being.