Knowledge and wisdom are complementary and associated like 2 traveling companions. But the ability to differentiate them belongs to the domain of discernment.

Knowledge at all levels of human existence depends on receptivity, intelligence and memory; whatever the origin of this knowledge (reading, communication, experiences, etc.). The wisdom towards which philosophers tend is measured by maturity, temperance, prudence, sincerity.

There is a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom. It is less difficult to accumulate knowledge than to attain wisdom. Wisdom is not dependent on knowledge.

The source of knowledge is in books, the media, exchanges and places of knowledge. The source of wisdom is in the spiritual realm. Wisdom does not depend on intellect or memory, but on maturity and purity, on the perfection of the personality.

Knowledge is shared through communication and intellect. Wisdom is transmitted through authenticity and inspiration.

Knowledge accumulates. Wisdom is perfected.

Knowledge comes from information. Wisdom comes from experience.

Knowledge is quantitative. Wisdom is qualitative.

The degree of knowledge determines the level of hierarchy beginner – confirmed – expert. The degree of wisdom determines the level of overall development of the being.

Knowledge and wisdom must advance hand in hand at the same pace, bringing through their respective points of view an understanding of the detail and the global, the microcosm and the macrocosm.