We constantly look at 2 types of mirrors:

– the external mirror showing us the world and the universe.

– the inner mirror of feelings, thoughts and dreams.

To perceive ourselves in totality, we must look at these 2 mirrors. And also perceive them as fractal reflections of the same and only reality. The inner and outer mirrors face each other, revealing both our human individuality and infinite facets of life – the absolute source.

But this source seems unattainable for these 2 mirrors, because it only reflects itself. It seems real and within reach, but slips away with every attempt to grasp it. By looking at these mirrors with awareness, it is possible to recognize ourselves as part of a unity.

The illusion of separation causing us to suffer. Because we carry within us a heartbreak, first of all physical through the separation from our mother at birth, then psychologically through the feeling of separation from our environment.

At the beginning of his life, the baby perceives himself as part of the whole, not divided with his environment. At this stage, there is neither time nor matter; everything is unity. During the first years of life, the child acquires language development, initiating physical separation and ego development.

Spiritual development and transpersonal experiences remind us that deep down all separation is illusory. The concept of division (inside and outside, past and future) can be perceived and experienced like any other. The boundaries then begin to dilute, the pain of separation is repaired. The self can begin to re-establish a connection with source, finding itself integrated within a larger system.

The interior and exterior mirrors are no longer divided, but reflections of the same source, duality of an ultimate unity.