Hello! Like you, I just wanted to live a normal life, in a normal place with a normal job! I also had a normal family life. And I thought I was just living a normal existence leading to a normal death.

But curiously one day, I experienced a non-normal life event and had the beginnings of a revelation of the possibility of a very different and distant reality. I realized that my reality was somehow artificial and limited, and that something much greater could exist! Unfortunately, I then discovered that my life was an illusion and that my identity was as fake as a TV presenter’s smile. And that the universe was a matrix feeding off my ego…

My first instinct was to join a New Age movement or a political party, in order to give new meaning to my life. I even considered suicide!

But by chance I discovered Guillaume FERA’s holistic and spiritual coaching. Despite the complexity of this perspective at first, I courageously faced up to my own limitations and was able to give new meaning to my reality. Suddenly, everything had a message just for me! Even negative events carried spiritual information! Thank you Guillaume for opening my eyes to my spiritual nature and to a new dimension of my reality. Now everything continues to be normal, except me! I’m on a spiritual adventure!

Any resemblance to existing or former facts or characters is purely coincidental and purely coincidental.