We will not be able to heal our world: it is beyond repair. We can’t go back either; the past is over and the march of the universe is inexorable. But if we built this system; we can also deconstruct it. Our world will end in any case; but we can hasten the process of destruction by withdrawing our consent and energy. And encourage the emergence of a new system, in line with our new consciousness.

Wanting to preserve stability and the known will remain vain in all cases; because we will never be able to distinguish ourselves from the divine forces for long… Cosmic cycles of destruction/creation are as natural as a tree or a chicken. Old models disappear, new ones appear. What is unsustainable goes down, what is sustainable goes up. The world cannot end; only the illusion of a certain temporal path.

The trauma of destruction can be an opportunity to awaken to the perception of the eternity of the soul; an opportunity to base one’s life no longer on having or appearing (dependent on the temporal system) but on being.

Not fixating on the death of form is being able to perceive eternity in time; it is to perceive the metaphysical time of the eternal cycle of: birth – growth – death in the life of a flower or a civilization.

Destruction brings the new, regeneration, the restoration of balance, harmony. Is the death of an old sage a tragedy? Yes if we stop at form and linear time. But it is also a magnificent transition, the completion of a cycle, the natural conclusion of an incarnation. Our world is not made for rest nor for perfection; it is a place to learn.

Embracing the harmony of cycles invites inner growth and spiritual sovereignty.