A society is rich in the elements that compose it; the art of individual expression therefore allows for optimal contribution to a community. The individual path is fundamentally different from collective determinism and standardization, robotization and causality. The expression of our interiority disappears as soon as we are a follower; as soon as we follow a movement, a leader, a party, a fashion…

Being a slave to a group, an ideology, an egregore projects our interior sovereignty within an external authority. What authority should decide my life? What is good for my life? What authority should guide my moral life? Which authority should I trust completely? Only one: mine.

This interior authority is a path towards an authority superior to being, because it is divine. It is a path towards the divine, thus being able to pass through us and direct our lives. We are free to transcend temporal determinism and express our unique individual expression, to act in accordance with our deep aspirations. To do this is to honor life. The collectivist path (the group before the individual) is its opposite: it nourishes temporal power and group narcissism, it rejects the influx of the soul and the flow of life. It is opposed to the creator and creation.

Each being of nature is unique. Wanting to subject the elements of a society to the standardization of a centralized system is wanting to block the natural order. This is the case, for example, of a political system requiring the submission of its population, of an agricultural system producing a standardized monoculture, or of an industrial system manufacturing standardized products. Same logic, same forced standardization, same discrepancy leading sooner or later to a correction of natural/divine laws.

So what choices should you make? Follow the program or go your own way? I offer support taking these aspects into account.