Conflicts are inevitable. The question is: are they lived consciously or not?

It is difficult to change a conflict because it has an external element beyond our reach. On the other hand, it is possible to change our relationship to conflict.

Suffering them head-on is dramatic. The goal is to detach ourselves from the emotional reactions that trap us in the energies of conflict and prevent us from perceiving their spiritual aspects. To gain perspective, we need to depersonalize situations, or rather impersonalize them. That is to say, transforming them into sources of information and self-knowledge. Their emotional and physical charges make them powerful, and therefore their potential for revelations and liberations as well.

Here are 4 sources of conflict. This is an exhaustive list. Each conflict is unique, and therefore carries unique information and teaching as well. This article aims to provide only part of the answer, the theoretical part.

– The external expression of internal realities: Fears and negative internal energies, having reached a certain energetic threshold, may have to be externalized. Our inner demons, our unaccomplished things, our tensions, our inner anger then become visible, and come to haunt us and ruin our lives. Because the shadows that we retain and nourish can only gain power and will sooner or later incarnate in a perverted and powerful way.

– A rebalancing: The conflicting people and things we attract can represent everything we have failed to love unconditionally, or what we reject. Because nature constantly seeks balance. Wanting universal peace will fuel the potential for war. Aspiring to justice will generate situations of injustice in one’s life. Imposing the law of equality and kindness by force will result in situations where their opposites will express themselves violently.

– Spiritual fission: from an esoteric perspective at each significant evolutionary stage, a separation occurs between its lower nature which descends into matter and its higher nature which rises towards the perfection of Spirit. This concept of spiritual fission is very important, very concrete in the context of conflicts. Our liberated lower nature can then manifest itself in our lives for a time through conflict-generating actors.

– The awakening of memories: During life events, stages (school, professional life, neighborhood, family, love, etc.) memories can awaken and suddenly appear in the form of conflicts. It was impossible to know them before, because they were invisible. Once embodied, it is finally possible to free them on the condition of carrying out conscious work on the situations encountered. In general, the more caricatured and enormous the situations become, the closer liberation comes.