What is the impersonal development ?

The impersonal development concerns all activities proposing to develop self-knowledge, to reveal our spiritual potentials, to work on a better understanding of our reality and on the aspirations of the soul.

How is the impersonal development different to the personal development ?

There are 3 level of study of the human being : physics, psychic and spiritual. The personal development is based on the psychic domain of the human being, focusing on the personality. The spiritual domain is based beforehand on metaphysic and esoteric principles, expressing themselves through the personality. 

How is an impersonal development going on ?

Through sessions of coaching to understand our reality and the spiritual issues of our life, taking into account the body, the soul and the spirit; taking into account the systemic and multidimensional aspects of our reality.

7 advices for impersonal development :
  1. Clarify our reality. Know both details and larger aspects of our reality enables to understand who we are

  2. Search what bring new meanings to our life

  3. Determine multidimensional forces at play

  4. Find discernment

  5. Take care of our soul

  6. Combne both faith and knowledge, heart and head

  7. Be totally transformed, that means becoming an initiate

What is the basis of the impersonal development ?

It is self-knowledge

What are the tools of the impersonal development ?
  • Know how to take into account all aspects of our relaity, both visible and invisible

  • Integrate our inner dimension

  • Identifiy our zones of ignorance and certainty

  • Give up to mighty power and personal will

  • Integrate the human being into larger evolutive realm, but though which he participates

What is a coach in impersonal development ?

He supports his clients in an individual way in order to reach a spiritual evolution (Il accompagne ses clients de manière individuelle afin d’arriver à une évolution spirituelle (raise awareness, new approach of the reality, new understanding of life experiences, etc…)

Why doing and impersonal development ?

Transcend our personality and our material reality is our celestial destiny

How unfolds a session of impersonal coaching ?

In general, a support of several sessions of 1h30 each over several months according to your rythm. The coaching is centered around on self-knowledge, inner realm, potentials and ressources of the people and his understanding

But what is the foundation of the impersonal development ?

The impersonal development centered on discernment and understanding of one’s reality, is a tool of inner transformation. Every event in life has an initiatic potential, it means a possibility of total transformation of the being