“Created man is situated between the beginning and the end. The creative man stands between the end and the beginning. Between the beginning and the end is time. Between the end and the beginning, eternity. Dialogues with the angel, interview 28 Life is an...
The ancients based their approach to reality and their vision of life on metaphysical and mystical principles. These traditions provided structuring and deep foundations through initiatory knowledge transmitted in so-called mystery schools, offering a progressive...
A cycle consists of 3 phases, or divine forces acting in matter: – a creative force – a holding force – a force of destruction Each phase lasts about a third of the cycle. During the last third, everything crystallizes and becomes fragile. The destruction process can...
About 400 years ago, the adoption of a heliocentric model of the solar system destroyed the relationship with the world on which human spirituality was based for at least 5,000 years. It is possible to affirm that all spiritual literatures were previously built on the...
The 4 yugas of the Hindu tradition are: – Golden Age or Krita Yuga of 25,920 years: harmony with the source and with life, goodness, positivity and unity between beings and nature. – Silver Age or Trêtâ Yuga of 19,440 years: loss of contact with the...
In the biblical tradition, Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by a dream of an immense statue: the head was of fine gold, the chest and arms of silver, the loins and thighs of bronze, the legs of iron, the feet of iron and clay. A stone hit the feet, destroying the statue....