Conspiracy theories abound and inflame debate. But in general, something (be it an object or an abstraction) is less important than our relationship to it. For this relationship reveals both ourselves and our relationship to reality. Whether these theories are true or not is not the point, the essential point being, once again, our relationship to ourselves, to our environment and to our truth. This article isn’t about conspiracy theories, but about our relationship with them as a source of self-knowledge.


Seeing new perspectives on our reality can help us perceive the problems and solutions of our lives more clearly. And finally, connecting with them can ease our suffering and help us transcend difficult periods of crisis. Here, then, are four general levels of conspiracy-theory perspective, each representing a different relationship to the world:


Perspective 1. Official reality: the sum total of opinions and facts portrayed by the mass media, political and showbiz personalities, mainstream science and modern cultural movements. It is ultimately very coherent and omnipresent. It’s the domain of the right-thinking and the normal-thinkers. In this world, economic crises arise from momentary, involuntary speculative bubbles or dangerous viruses. Environmental disasters, climatic upheavals, wars and societal drifts can be resolved by personal goodwill, activism or life-saving political action. With new laws, additional taxation and technological and societal innovations, problems can be solved. We are all free, and utopian futures will come true. The key words are: sleep, ignorance, illusion.


Perspective 2. Unofficial reality: includes all opinions, speculations and data known as “conspiracy”. This term was coined by a famous 3-letter U.S. intelligence agency in the 1960s to label any form of narrative questioning the official discourse. From this perspective, most governments have been deeply corrupt for centuries, even millennia, and everything is totally false. This is the opaque domain of think-tanks, secret societies and oligarchic elites shaping the world. We are all slaves, and dystopian futures will come true. The key words are: awakening, manipulation, mind control.

Is this true? No matter. It matters less than the relationship we establish with this perspective. Our relationship with this layer of reality can bring meaning to the crises we face, as it reveals an occult and malicious world. Connecting with this perspective broadens our earthly experience, but remains dramatic, materialistic and temporal. By opening up a new facet of visible reality, it nevertheless remains within a dual vision. By providing an alternative to official reality, it doesn’t go beyond it. At the very least, it remains horizontal and does not open up to the verticality of spiritual worlds. If there is spirituality in this perspective 2, it remains inverted… We need to perceive unity beyond duality: this is a fundamental truth that can be applied at all levels. And this leads us to:


Perspective 3. Unity encompassing official and unofficial perspectives: Beyond dualities lie their root causes. The hierarchy of realities moves up a notch. The world turns out to be far more wonderful and surprising. The world becomes no more than a stage, a hologram of illusions and experiences. The world is no longer a conflict zone between tyranny and freedom, but a plane of consciousness through which the great eternal and indissociable principles of good and evil meet and establish tensions. This timeless drama is also, and above all, played out at the heart of the human being, forcing him to discriminate between good and evil, to make choices and to position himself in relation to the divine. The world’s tensions and wars are inner battles between mind and heart, between fear and love. This level of perspective can bring peace, as it stands above the two conflicting materialistic versions of reality. Whether the collapses are voluntary or not, they are in any case just, as they allow us to enter into relationship with new facets of reality, to expand our fields of consciousness. The key words are: awakening, harmony, balance.


Perspective 4. The absolute: If there were only one truth, only one truly real perspective, this would be it. In fact, it’s the only reality, because it encompasses them all. It’s the only truth, because it contains them all. It can be called the source, God, the first cause, the Tao… In this perspective, the human being is a god in the making, driven by challenges and exams. Like a student or apprentice, he is tested for love, to stimulate excellence and help him evolve. From this perspective, the human being is in fact an eternal spiritual being who has chosen to incarnate during troubled times to guarantee maximum feedback and optimal evolution. There’s no need for fear or doubt, because everything is right. It’s the only reality that opens up to pure, unconditional love, bringing true meaning and solutions to life’s big questions. Suffering and collapse are then incredibly right, part of a great game of illusions played out on earth over the course of a cycle. The key words are: fulfillment, consciousness, eternity.


These four perspectives can be classified as the evolution of a human life:

perspective 1 childhood: adult truths are perceived as absolute, lies are accepted as true.

perspective 2 adolescence: the emerging adult wakes up and rebels against his or her parents, creating an alternative narrative to build a new identity.

perspective 3 adulthood: the being stabilizes beyond infantile beliefs and adolescent oppositions. He awakens and matures.

perspective 4 the wisdom of old age: he has overcome all the illusions that governed his life, finds the answers to his big questions and looks at existence with a certain detachment.


What matters most, we repeat, is the relationship that each of us can establish with different levels of perspective in order to give new meaning to the problems we encounter in life. These are not dogmas or truths, but relationships to reality that can lessen the brutality of crises and collapses, and point to a greater plan at work. This plan is pure love. It may seem difficult to see human suffering as a force of love for the absolute, but this would be to ignore the ultimate goals, which are tests that force us to position ourselves and move up the ladder of consciousness. It’s the divine teaching us through crises.

For human beings are destined to become gods. But not everyone will succeed. Although we are all ONE in origin and essence, each of us is a unique expression of life in form, function, characteristics, polarity and intensity of divine spark. With unique life path, each of us will use our consciousness and free will differently, depending on many parameters, including our life circumstances. We are unified at the trunk level, but diverse at the branch level. We are in fact a unified diversity: united by our common existential source and collective crises, but separated by our life paths and our reactions to these crises. For although the human being is globally a gregarious individual, constantly part of societies and civilizations, he is born and dies alone. He will have to make his own choices, and will be intimately united with these different perspectives.


And it is the effects of crises that differentiate human beings through their reactions, strengthening the strong but weakening the weak, pushing virtuous beings to surpass themselves even more in order to overcome these crises. But the weak are driven to fear, predation or survival. The strong rise, the weak fall. To perceive behind the extreme violence of destruction and tragedy this divine force at work, forcing us to make choices and evolve, is a significant shift in consciousness. Being able to relate to perspective 4 profoundly alters our relationship to the world and to reality. The relationship is therefore fundamental, as it brings our being into resonance with this perspective, and will therefore determine its level of resonance with our inner essence:

perspective 1: sleep, illusion. The being is a child, and remains at this level. This is the starting point for each of us, and the question is whether we’ll stay there for the rest of our lives or not.

perspective 2: the rude awakening. This resonates with the darkness of the world. We mustn’t invest too much time or energy in it, as it then becomes what it states or fights against. This stage is nonetheless indispensable to spiritual maturity, the acceptance of the shadow and its overcoming.

perspective 3: integrates the totality of the world and strives for unity, uniting light and shadow.

perspective 4: he transcends his own unity and reaches his eternal part, the source of his reality and being. To touch eternal reality is to touch his inner, eternal divine essence. He enters into resonance with his own eternity.


All is relationship and resonance, leading to a deep understanding of a situation enabling it to be overcome, leading to authentic harmony with the causes of a given situation, because the true causes of a collapse are rooted in the eternity of our reality. The crisis first helped him to seek an alternative to the official version of his reality. After exploring the plot to exterminate him, he unites the two official and unofficial realities and transcends them.

The crisis pushes him further into himself, continuing to force him to seek a root cause, not for the apparent chaos, but for his material reality. The crisis pushes him to the edge of the precipice of his existence, where he must renounce all his possessions, all his illusions, but above all his own life. Having overcome his acceptance of death, he can finally access his eternal part. This is not an intellectual or partial process. It’s an initiation that totally transforms him, as his whole being is impacted.

This is the only way to accept and integrate them: to think them, to feel them and, finally, to act on them. The head, the heart and then the pelvis: the intellect to understand them, the feeling to absorb them and the will to direct one’s decisions and one’s life on the basis of each of them. At each stage, it’s the complete relationship between intellect – feeling – will that enables us to move beyond the previous stage and evolve to the next. A human being cut off from these perspectives remains limited. By connecting with them, he goes further outside himself and also within himself. This deep relationship is the condition for harmony and transformation of consciousness.

Each perspective taken in isolation means nothing for the evolution of human consciousness: they are self-existent principles destined to retain their nature. The human being, a negligible entity in the face of these powerful principles, nonetheless possesses a unique advantage: because of his divine essence and organic envelope, he has a great potential for choice and progression, his sceptre of consciousness is much wider because he can include or exclude several positive or negative tonalities, and place himself on any rung of the ladder of consciousness to which he has access.

By voluntarily entering into resonance with some of these perspectives, by his choice and not by determinism, by his will and not by his ignorance, a person creates an energetic link. This link is a kind of feedback loop, increasing the likelihood of living a life in tune with these perspectives, adjusting one’s individual timelines with the frequencies they contain. Even perspective 1, made up of ignorance and passivity, is also a choice; indeed, each of us will have had the opportunity at least once in our lives to wake up and acquire the knowledge leading to the following perspectives. Not having done so is a choice to remain in this first perspective.


The spectrum of vibratory frequencies with which we associate indicates the quality of our learning path, our temperament, our emotional nature and our overall level of reactivity or self-control.

– The lower this range, the more we exist on a level of passivity or mechanical reactivity, survival of emotional instability. Our possibilities of choice are very limited, and we evolve through pain. The intensity of pain is necessary to awaken dormant consciousness. In the face of crises, fear generates fear feedback.

– The higher this range, the more likely we are to become consciously active rather than passive or reactive. The higher we are, the less we fall victim to primal impulses, manipulation or hysteria. Those with a high vibratory frequency are connected to perspectives 3 or 4, are emotionally stable, rooted in reality and radiate good vibrations. They grow through gentler life experiences, even through the experiences of their fellow human beings, sparing them any form of personal pain. In the face of crises, love generates a return of love.


Through resonance, the being adjusts its global vibratory signature and determines by affinity which themes of experience it will attract and create.

Perspective 1 will limit you to frequencies corresponding to the dominant power system. His life will remain well adapted and conforming to society. It will be a life of ignorance but nonetheless comfortable, even brilliant by today’s standards. But crises will hit him by surprise and affect him deeply, as he will have no sense to make of it all. He’ll be easy to manipulate and will suffer a tyrannical yoke that will imprison his soul. At the end of his days, he will have learned nothing and understood nothing about reality. When the cycle of illusions is complete, he’ll return to dust, and his life will be neutral with regard to creation.

Perspective 2 limits the being to frequencies corresponding to the occult realities of the world. His life will be punctuated by discoveries of the horrors hidden behind the scenes and the threats. It will be an uncomfortable life, a life of fear, made up of awakenings and realizations. He will reach the end of his days having discovered the hidden face of the world and the true instigators of crises. He will have learned to dodge threats, to understand the real hidden stakes of power and to protect himself from tyranny.

Perspective 3 will open you up to much higher frequencies. His or her life will be guided by higher principles to which the soul adheres, integrating and surpassing the previous two perspectives of good and evil. It will be a life of truly evolving knowledge, made up of awakenings and discernments. At the end of his days, he will be connected to energies superior to the duality of this world, open to inclusivity. He will have given a higher meaning to conflicts and wars, been able to avoid them or at least emotionally divest from them, and guess that they serve a higher purpose.

Perspective 4 is the highest and most difficult frequency to contact. Its life will be fertilized by contemplation of the Creator. The world no longer looks at all like it does, and this perception is radical and irreversible for those with open eyes. He will have approached this divine plan gradually, and certainly only partially. He will have detached himself from his own life and freed himself from the dramas of this world, constantly sensing a far superior plan at work. He will have felt the love of truth behind the wonders and horrors. He will have touched true love and not lived in vain.