A drama is a tragic event. It evokes opposition, therefore a binary perspective, an opposing element, a conflict, a clash between two realities. But the drama can become unnecessary, leading consciousness towards territories that vibrate very low. It is in the distancing and nuances that drama ceases to have power over us, ceases to exercise emotional reactivity.

Being able to examine the drama and the reasons for the strong resonance within us requires a relationship free of the weight and intensity of the drama. Being able to observe while allowing yourself to be touched, this type of reaction becomes a sign of maturity and wisdom. Not engaging in your own dramas, but also not engaging in the dramas of others.

Stopping participating in the theater of appearances and endless emotions allows us to disidentify and explore our emotional landscape to grow in consciousness. The emotional amplification of scenes from our lives no longer has any influence; the theater becomes a source of psychological games and self-knowledge.

Through a balance between reason and feeling, head and heart, logic and intuition, drama becomes a center of study, emotions sources of consciousness. There are no more mechanical reactions, but highlights. Freed from the weight of drama, it is finally possible to live our emotional life as a fundamental basis of consciousness and spiritual life. If lived with discipline, regularity and discernment, compassion and patience, the dramas are deconstructed. They can reveal their information as so many exteriorized projections of our shadows and our memories. Coal turns into jewelry.