What is love ? What is the couple for? Between the biological necessity of reproduction and the romances of films and songs, where is the conscious dimension ? We don’t choose our family, friendships don’t seek us out from such depths of our psyche. The couple is something completely different. Our partner is our individual mirror, our other half, our buried and unknown aspects suddenly revealed in matter.

It is possible to say that the dynamic of the couple is to awaken memories and promote self-knowledge. The couple is the discovery and union with our opposite polarity, our deepest and most precise reflection. For better or for worse, but always with ultimate accuracy. Because our strongest intimacy is also our greatest depth.

Getting into a relationship means opening Pandora’s box of family and collective memories. Some flee it, others idealize it. In all cases, it is a transpersonal, transgenerational phenomenon over which we have no control. And this is all that makes it relevant in a path of self-knowledge, only if you have the right and impersonal vision.

Faced with suffering and difficulties: reacting with guilt, projections, victimization or accusation is not relevant. Accepting and facing as a projection of a memory of one’s ancestors or of one’s fears, of a lost twin syndrome, of a repetition pattern, etc… is more relevant. This is the beginning of a work of consciousness. The partner and the couple then potentially become a path to self-knowledge and liberation of memories.