“The advances – spiritual, scientific, cultural – are shattered by tensions. Adepts have increased local and global tensions to prepare humanity for the Age of Aquarius, thus creating the ideal conditions for spiritual evolution and an eventual restoration of the...
The first and foremost step in spiritual awakening is to discern the positive from the negative; what elevates us from what lowers us. Within matter, we are stuck in duality and therefore in battles of opposites. This manifests internally as a conflict between our...
Our life traumas represent an initiation into the realities of the soul; this requiring renunciations but bringing an inner evolution. This initiation leads us to confront death (symbolic or real), horror; to be able to embrace life in its entirety. Demanding and...
To find the right balance, we need to experience the extremes, and know them. Because by knowing the extremes, it is possible to deduce the center. To map the entire landscape of human experience enabled by creation is to be able to live and pass through the deepest...
According to Car Gustav Jung, synchonicity is a simultaneous occurrence of at least 2 events having no causal link. It is a coincidence loaded with meaning, proof of a resonance between our consciousness and the space-time continuum. The most important thing in a...
The modern being has reached a degree of development which allows him to fully understand external phenomena. But he will only be able to know and understand the causes of his physical reality when he has united with his inner nature. That is to say its metaphysical...