The crest line of consciousness

The crest line of consciousness

“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leads to perdition, and many are those who enter through it; for narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 The highway...
Learn and unlearn

Learn and unlearn

To learn is as important as to unlearn. To know how to learn is as important as to know how to unlearn.  Learning gives access to knowledge. And knowledge liberates and emancipates. But this knowledge can also become a prison through a dogmatic vision of reality that...
Living in the world while progressing spiritually

Living in the world while progressing spiritually

Living in the world requires you to endure it. Many spiritual practices allow followers to live in quiet spaces on the fringes of this world: monasteries, hermitages, etc. Although these lives are conducive to study, meditation, detachment; there is a lack of...
Several spiritual skills

Several spiritual skills

We are all students in the mystery course. The right connection to the divine plan can be established and flourished through skills. They must study, develop, improve… Here is a small, non-exhaustive list. – Availability: Make yourself available, receive...
We are all pilgrims on the path of life mysteries

We are all pilgrims on the path of life mysteries

We are vaguely illuminated by the tools available to consciousness to advance in the darkness of the mysteries of life: the soul, the heart, the intellect. It is a solitary journey, but one requiring human encounters. It is a journey common to all human beings, but...
Living knowledge VS dead knowledge

Living knowledge VS dead knowledge

Definition of knowledge: – mental faculty producing an assimilation by the mind of objective content previously translated into signs and ideas. – result of this assimilation. How can we differentiate so-called living knowledge from so-called dead...