Consciousness uses form in order to be able to experience matter. To do this, it must become denser and limit itself for a time. Then, as consciousness evolves through its experiences, the form it uses as a vehicle no longer becomes relevant. Everything crystallizes, and consciousness frees itself from this old form which limits it. She then looks for new vehicles more suited to her.
Currently, our society is becoming an empty shell: traditional media are no longer watched, many find no more meaning in their jobs or in their roles, the entertainment industry is redoubling its efforts and spectacular effects to still attract people, people are indifferent to politics and the participation rate in elections decreases, etc… When everything loses its meaning and the energy that fuels a society weakens, this means that everything becomes old.
The life forces of citizens, voters, spectators, workers… are beginning to withdraw. Everything empties and crystallizes. Global consciousness has evolved. The forms which previously served as expressions and vehicles of this consciousness have become obsolete. Only habits and the fear of losing the known remain to continue to fuel these empty forms for a time. For a time only, because the life forces are withdrawing.
Then comes the most difficult moment: old forms wither and disappear, fanatics and extremes try to maintain the structures. But it’s a losing battle. Here we are, faced with emptiness, forced to look for other forms through which to express our life force: new organizations, new structures, new meanings… A new consciousness to incarnate. But the New remains to be invented. To be continued…