At the crossroads between 2 cycles, it is not a question of regretting the past nor hoping for the future, but of focusing on the evolving dynamics of the present; and they are very numerous and fundamental to prepare for the entire cycle to come.

An end of cycle closes everything that was processed during this cycle, reveals it and resolves it. It is a precipitate of the experience of the entire cycle. The destruction of the form signifies the end of the cycle and its accomplishment, the stripping of its external and temporal attributes. The crisis will then seek out our gaps in our conscience, the unaccomplished, the lies. A society accumulates its experience throughout its existence, then transforming into a cataclysm at the end of its cycle.

It is a moment of revelations and cleansing, necessary tasks to best close this cycle and begin the New with a purified, astral and etheric sphere. What was hidden is then revealed, the masks finally fall. What is revealed can finally be made perceived, awared, repaired, integrated and overcome. The unaccomplished shows the path of evolution and the optimal entry into the new cycle.