“for what appears to the eyes delights us, and what is unseen makes us mistrust. To those who have eyes, evil is most evident and the supreme good is hidden. For the supreme good has no form and leaves no mark. Thus it is like to itself, but unlike all else. What is unembodied, can never be seen by a body”

Corpus hermeticum Book 4 paragraph 9

There are forces of light and forces of darkness, good and evil. But currently, evil seems to triumph everywhere and good seems absent. Can we trust appearances?

The material, the appearance is the external form. And there evil excels, it seems naturally at home. Then there is the interior of this form, its essence, what is hidden behind the veil of appearances. And there, it’s something completely different. Evil only seems to concern itself with the external and visible aspects of our reality. He is there to tempt us, test us and make a spectacle of his own will with all power for the duration of a cycle. Then the cycle completed, the exterior form passes but the interior essence remains.

Then there is the law of non-interference and respect for free will. Good suggests, it shows the door but does not force you to go through it. This door must be shown carefully in order to maximize free choice. Because some will not choose this door, or at certain times in our lives it is possible not to choose the good. What can good do if it is not chosen? Not much in terms of free will. Apart from suggesting, guaranteeing the possibilities… A polarization is created, an increasingly strong contrast between those choosing evil and those (more discreet) making more evolutionary choices.

Consciousness does not know democracy, numbers and statistics do not count in the eyes of the divine. It is a question here of choice, of tones, of quality above all. Good seems to operate within the essence. Everything comes down to interiority and learning, life lessons.

It may seem more valuable to choose evil first, in order to bring life lessons into one’s life that make us understand the true value of good. Then choose to nourish the good in a voluntary and active way, through a true choice of conscience. If all of humanity’s problems were solved with a snap of the fingers and evil would disappear, life lessons would be missed. If real clean and abundant technologies were to become available, the changes would be devastating because the collective consciousness is not ready.

The solution would be to focus on the development of one’s inner light and not give too much importance to dramatic events in the world. If there is a divine plan, it is surely carried out in a hidden way at levels of sophistication unattainable by a human mind.