Chronicles of the new inner worlds
Each change of cycle is an opportunity for transformation and spiritualization. At the crossroads of two cycles, the old and the new, traditions and innovation, conservatism and the revolution of consciousness meet and fertilize themselves.
These chronicles invite to knowledge, to inspiration, to discernment, to a different relationship with the world and with oneself.
Crisis sources of spirituality
Cycles and evolution of consciousness
Crises can concern many very different areas: health, economy, our loved ones… but also more generally geopolitics, social issues, the environment. They can be partial and personal, as well as global and collective. A crisis, whatever its dimension and intensity, can reveal the end of the cycle by being part of a reality obeying universal cyclical laws: birth – growth – climax – decline – death – rebirth – …
Regretting the past, hoping for a utopia future, waiting for an external solution or victimizing ourselves distance us from the evolving dynamics of problems and the initiatory aspect of individual and collective crises. Overcoming the drama is done through spirituality and interiority: by sacrificing the old and the inferior in order to nourish the New and the superior, by replacing our conditioning with our individual consciousness, by avoiding the struggle by developing our spark divine, by renouncing the temporal to cling to the eternal.
The being is then no longer constructed from the outside, but from the inside. A crisis becomes initiatory when the pain leads to a spiritual awakening, an end of the cycle to its accomplishment. Going through a crisis then leads to a path of liberation, love and evolution of consciousness. It is an opportunity for total transformation of the being.