The cycles have celestial origins. From the race of the planets to the slower advance of the constellations, all these celestial forces immerse our planet in radiations determining the various collective and individual cycles of our terrestrial realities and consciousness. When a cycle comes to an end, the ray which determined it withdraws and another begins to manifest. From their impacts on earth, all embodied forms and forces of nature are affected.

There comes a time when the two radiations of the two cycles, one ending and the other beginning, arrive at a point of balance. Neither dominates. The one ending causes the destruction of the terrestrial forms which embodied him and served as his vehicle of manifestation.

The one approaching begins to construct the new physical forms and to model the new consciousness that corresponds to it. From this inflection and tipping point, well-defined crises arise. The extremes and fanatics of the declining cycle appear as so many resistances to change and prelude to liberation. The New seeks forms to construct.

Humanity is caught between these two antagonistic celestial influences, trapped in the forks of destruction on one side and creation on the other. All this explains the sudden appearance of tensions and multiple problems in the current world situation.