“Created man is situated between the beginning and the end.

The creative man stands between the end and the beginning.

Between the beginning and the end is time.

Between the end and the beginning, eternity.

Dialogues with the angel, interview 28

Life is an uninterrupted series of changes, creating a perpetual dynamic of change and renewal. If everything remained static and constant, the momentum of life could not be expressed and there would be no evolution.

This evolutionary dynamic is not linear, but cyclical, because all of nature and the celestial vault operate in cycles. As part of the greater Whole, we also operate in cycles. Whether they are partial and global, individual and collective, whether they concern any area of life… An ending is as important as the beginning.

Because during the last third of the cycle and at its end, everything becomes old. There then arises a loss of meaning and a shift, a feeling of weariness and lack of energy. The old and the past become rigid and crystallized. This process is irreversible, it becomes impossible to go back. Clinging to the old is vain, condemning us to frustration, pain and disconnection from the forces of life. It is possible to ignore these signals and continue without changing anything, but this will be to the detriment of the life force and the harmony of cyclical laws.

This moment between 2 cycles is a flash of eternity, a metaphysical crack on the path of life. Our intentions and our actions are creative, making this narrow but powerful passage a force of purification and realignment, an opportunity for the incarnation of the New.

Renouncing our outdated identities and creating new one according to our consciousness is the initiatory path. Stripped of our egoistic trappings which previously gave us an identity and a meaning to our lives, here we are naked crossing this gap of eternity: an instant in the temporal regard, but an immensity for consciousness.

From sadness emerges joy, from renunciation acceptance and new energy. At the crossroads of every end and every new beginning stands the advent of a new cycle and the irruption of eternity. Taking an action, a new intention, is planting a new germ which will have the opportunity during the beginning cycle to hatch and grow.

The momentum of life can be fully expressed during this new parenthesis of existence, in harmony with the Whole.