The crest line of consciousness

The crest line of consciousness

“Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leads to perdition, and many are those who enter through it; for narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 The highway...
Cinema projection as an allegory of our reality

Cinema projection as an allegory of our reality

We perceive reality as a cinema session: all the spectators look at the screen on which the film is projected, they only see that and they believe in it. Everyone has the same behavior and the same look. And yet, the source of the projected image is behind them. The...
The releases and the doubts of the individual path

The releases and the doubts of the individual path

The herd life has many advantages: comfort, certainties, feeling of belonging… But at the cost of individuality and the unique soul path of each person. Because when a person becomes aware of their inner aspects, they discover that they contain a powerful energy...
Learn and unlearn

Learn and unlearn

To learn is as important as to unlearn. To know how to learn is as important as to know how to unlearn.  Learning gives access to knowledge. And knowledge liberates and emancipates. But this knowledge can also become a prison through a dogmatic vision of reality that...