The inner way to understand our outer reality

The inner way to understand our outer reality

The modern being has reached a degree of development which allows him to fully understand external phenomena. But he will only be able to know and understand the causes of his physical reality when he has united with his inner nature. That is to say its metaphysical...
The science and the invisible

The science and the invisible

Our material reality consists of everything that can be experienced through the body and the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. These senses allow us to decode a certain frequency band, known as the electromagnetic spectrum. It is an energy field...
The 3 times

The 3 times

There are 3 types of time and as many relationships to reality: – Chronos: linear and quantitative time of clocks. Omnipresent and omnipotent in our modern lives. – Aiôn: cyclical time. Eternity is expressed in time through cycles – Kairos: timely and qualitative. The...