Film VERA : facing our death

Film VERA : facing our death

In 2003, the Mexican filmmaker Francisco Athié directed a phantasmagorical film: VERA. A miner accidentally causes a landslide while working alone in a deep, isolated tunnel. Cut off from humanity and knowing he is condemned, this minor experiences during the last...
Simple mystic of the spring

Simple mystic of the spring

Nature is the divine revealed in the visible. As part of this earthly nature, we should follow its life cycles punctuated by the dance of our planet: internalization & exteriorization, death & rebirth. Nature invites initiation and mysteries. Each season has...
The tower of Babel : a teaching for our time

The tower of Babel : a teaching for our time

“It is a wisdom that we preach among the perfect, a wisdom which is not of this age, nor of the leaders of this age who are going to be destroyed. » Boris Mouravieff Temporal power can be compared to the Tower of Babel. In Genesis, shortly after the flood, while they...
The 4 seasons – symbol of the human cycle

The 4 seasons – symbol of the human cycle

The 4 seasons become symbolic of the 4 major periods of life (of a human being or a civilization), corresponding to the divisions of life: birth – growth – maturity – decline. – During the period called spring, the life force manifests itself in creation. – During the...