Harmony of cycles and inner growth

Harmony of cycles and inner growth

We will not be able to heal our world: it is beyond repair. We can’t go back either; the past is over and the march of the universe is inexorable. But if we built this system; we can also deconstruct it. Our world will end in any case; but we can hasten the...
The new will is impersonal

The new will is impersonal

It can also be called divine, universal, cosmic will… That is to say a will located beyond the human plane, but expressed through it. The Gnostics call it Epinoia: they define it as “the afterthought of the Father”, carried by the goddess Sophia; in order to...
The egregores : indicator of the old and the New

The egregores : indicator of the old and the New

Egregores are collective thought forms created by human activities: a major subject of esotericism and spirituality unfortunately often ignored or little mentioned. Definition from Wikipedia: “An egregore (or eggregore) is, in esotericism, a concept designating a...
The new germ

The new germ

The new is the unknown: a source of anxiety and fear; but also of discovery, conquest, evolution. The desire to explore the new is the sacred force detaching us from the usual, the old and pushing us towards terra incognita. This regenerative force transcends (that is...
Paradox of individuality : no longer be in order to be

Paradox of individuality : no longer be in order to be

Individuality is different from individualism; it is the external expression of our deep truth, the expressiveness of the soul: unique and universal at the same time. How to approach it? By a work of clearing, of undressing the being; or at least of its external...