At the crossroad of the old and the New

At the crossroad of the old and the New

In recent centuries, particularly since the beginning of the industrial era and the advent of modernity, our world has changed more than in thousands of years of history. From the steam engine to the internet, from the internal combustion engine to virtual reality....
But where is the good ?

But where is the good ?

“for what appears to the eyes delights us, and what is unseen makes us mistrust. To those who have eyes, evil is most evident and the supreme good is hidden. For the supreme good has no form and leaves no mark. Thus it is like to itself, but unlike all else....
The 3 levels of self knowledge

The 3 levels of self knowledge

The first level of reality and self-knowledge is the physical world. He discovers himself with his body and his senses. The second level is the psychic world. He discovers himself by diving into his psychological world, into his psyche giving access to the soul. The...