The 3 levels of the relationship with truth

The 3 levels of the relationship with truth

There are three levels of development of consciousness, which are all relationships with the world and with oneself: 1) Hylic: physical plane, material consciousness. Key word: objective exterior. Beings in this level are captives. 2) Psychic: psychological level,...
The horizon line or the battle between Spirit and matter

The horizon line or the battle between Spirit and matter

The plan of Spirit is the unmanifest absolute principle. The plane of matter is the temporal manifestation of the principle. The point of contact between these 2 planes is the horizon. All the struggles and wars of mythological stories and sacred writings can be...
The ark of consciousness

The ark of consciousness

Noah built an ark so that he and his family would be saved from the flood. The Noah of Genesis was the son of Lamech, symbolizing the strength of youth. And Noah symbolises the seed of the New. It is in the strength of youth that we idealize matter and attach our...
The end of a cycle and its revelations

The end of a cycle and its revelations

Every form of spiritual narration relates in some way the relationship of the soul to the body and its cycles of descent and return. These cycles were known to Greek philosophical systems such as Platonism as kuklos (cyclos) anagkes, “the cycles of...
Power VS might

Power VS might

‘”Power is the lowest degree of might” Gilles Deleuze Power is the ruler and the judge. Might is the being who knows how to reach his or her full potential. Power is control and tyranny, it is maintained by the force of the law and the sword. Might...