Couple and self-knowledge

Couple and self-knowledge

What is love ? What is the couple for? Between the biological necessity of reproduction and the romances of films and songs, where is the conscious dimension ? We don’t choose our family, friendships don’t seek us out from such depths of our psyche. The...
Accomplishment through the expression of our life force

Accomplishment through the expression of our life force

All growth is an externalization of forces emanating from a non-physical energy center. Any transformation, any form of growth and evolution of consciousness can only come through the development of forces, energies, faculties, powers coming from within the being. The...
The winter solstice or the spiritual rebirth

The winter solstice or the spiritual rebirth

The winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22. The apparent position of the sun reaches its greatest inclination relative to the celestial equator. This day is the shortest of the year, so the night is the longest. For 2 or 3 days, at the astronomical level, the...
Evolution VS involution

Evolution VS involution

Definition of evolution: progressive transition from one state to another, transformation over time. Definition of involution: regression, coiled inwards. Evolution and involution are linked and balanced, like descent and ascent. One cannot exist without the other....
Astrotheology or the celestial language

Astrotheology or the celestial language

There is evidence that the ancient myths of the world were based on foundations of celestial metaphors: this is astrotheology. This term is rarely found in dictionaries, or even little known. But it began to gain popularity, notably following the release of a video...