The old VS the New

The old VS the New

“All truth goes through three stages, first it is ridiculed, then it is violently fought and finally it is accepted as evidence” Arthur Schopenhauer How to differentiate the old from the New? Discerning them is essential in our time of cycle change. In order to...
Unus mundus or the unified reality

Unus mundus or the unified reality

Unus mundus is a Latin term meaning “One World”. It is a notion of metaphysics referring to the idea of a unified transcendental reality, from which everything emerges and to which everything returns. It was popularized in the 20th century by Carl Gustav Jung. The...
The trap of duality

The trap of duality

“Every kingdom divided against itself becomes a desert; every city or house divided against itself will be unable to stand.” Matthew 12:25 Duality in its relationship to the world and to oneself is an important subject. In the age of computers and its 0/1 bits, the...