In recent centuries, particularly since the beginning of the industrial era and the advent of modernity, our world has changed more than in thousands of years of history. From the steam engine to the internet, from the internal combustion engine to virtual reality. And these profound changes even continue to accelerate.

They touch every aspect of our lives. From societal to social, from family to sexuality, from lifestyle to cognitive organization… They profoundly transform the human psyche and the landscapes of nature. They modify our relationship to ourselves, to reality and to the divine.

The trap would be to forget the past and its traditions for the exclusive benefit of modernity. Or to cling to the old and completely reject the New. Between total uprooting and resistance to change, there is a middle way to find. And this balance between past and future is precisely what makes our era exceptional for the evolution of consciousness.

It is at the crossroads of tradition and modernity that a new perspective can emerge. Because it is by nourishing ourselves with ancestral teachings and wisdom that it is possible to understand our reality. But modernity also brings a new energy of clearing and renewal. Freed from the old, it is possible to both draw inspiration from it while freeing yourself from it.

It is possible to keep from the past what enlightens and enrich us, but also to embrace modernity in its power of deliverance and liberation. Our time can keep the best of both. This exceptional crossing, even perhaps unique in human history, is an opportunity.