“A single system of celestial metaphors is found in every sacred text and tradition, from Australia to Africa, from the Americas to the Pacific Islands and ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, ancient Greece, ancient China, ancient Japan, ancient India , and testaments from the Bible, Norse myths, and much more » David Warner Mathisen

The solstices and equinoxes as a celestial metaphor for human incarnation and spiritual evolution:

Spring Equinox

The days become longer than the nights

Light dominates darkness (the spiritual being born)

Summer solstice

The longest day of the year = light at the zenith

The Spirit at the Summit (The spiritual being finalized)

Autumn Equinox

The nights become longer than the days

Darkness takes precedence over light (The material being born)

Winter solstice

The longest night of the year = darkness at its zenith

Matter at the top (The material being finalized)

From the spring equinox to the autumn equinox: the days are longer than the nights

Spirit dominates matter

These are the higher worlds


From the autumnal equinox to the spring equinox: the nights are longer than the days

Matter overwhelms Spirit

These are the lower worlds