When you trample underfoot the garment of shame and when the two become one, and there is neither male nor female, and the male with the female is neither male nor female, then will end the reign of death » Apocryphal Gospel of the Egyptians

But where does this famous androgynous come from? Non-binary deities are found in the most archaic mythologies. The ancient Greeks had the character of Hermaphrodite, son of Hermes (Mercury) and Aphrodite (Venus). The latter prayed to the gods to make one body of her and Hermes, she was granted. Hermaphrodite therefore became the mixed being formed by the fusion of Mercury and Venus.

This approach to hybrid divinities has always given them a semi-cosmic as well as semi-divine characteristic, the most constant notions inherited from the depths of the ages. This origin is not found in recent philosophy but in ancient ancient polytheistic mythology.

At the origins, humanity included 3 genders and not 2: male, female and a distinct 3rd bringing together the other 2. The male gender was an offspring of the sun, the feminine gender of the earth, and the one participating in the two was an offspring of the moon, since the moon interacts at the same time with the sun and the earth.

But hermaphroditism (sexual approach) is not androgyny (a-sexual approach): men and women have a soul, and this is a non-sexual divine emanation. In androgyny, the two sexes neutralize each other, having a resemblance to the angelic (or demonic) nature which is not made for reproduction.

The androgynic unity is not a procreative unity; it is not a germ or a virtual family. On the contrary, it is a deliberately sterile couple, achieving their balance and unity. In the various cosmogonies, there is an undeniable androgyny within the creative divinity, even for the demiurgic agent. And then there is also a constant presence of “ambiguous” deities in the various mythologies and legends; drawing a notion as old as it is universal.

From pagan myths to contemporary esoteric systems, from mysticism to archetypes, from cosmology to alchemy; androgyny is therefore almost omnipresent. From primordial androgyny (from the primordial unity which created duality), it is now a question of the restoration of this lost unity, of transcending duality, of achieving unity above duality: it is eschatological androgyny. That is to say androgyny considered as the ultimate goal of man; when he achieves the restoration of all things. Men will become again as before the fall into duality, therefore perfect, powerful and happy.

According to Karl Ritter, duality is the cause of all evil, such that the future advent of androgynate is the only one capable of abolishing our ontological misfortune. This proves a memory and a desire: humanity unconsciously retains the memory of an original state of unity, and feels the desire to return to it in order to be relieved of a profound imbalance.

The androgyne is therefore the alpha and omega of world history. Nothing less.

The deepest reality is not masculine or feminine nature, but is beyond this distinction. It includes them and transcends them. But the theologies of patriarchal monotheistic religions reject this pagan approach because they are based on the law of the ternary (original masculine principle creating the manifested) and not on this principle of original unity manifesting itself in a masculine – feminine duality. Adam is the personal name of the one who was the first man and the father of the human race.

Because for patriarchal religions, creating androgyny means replacing the emanation of the Creator, it is interposing between God and his creation, it is attributing to oneself the place of creative power.

For patriarchy, there is the authority of the creative father over the woman. For pagans, it is equality between men and women. In fact, man and woman serve as symbols of 2 different logics: on the one hand, patriarchy: the superior (masculine) principle (in frequency) fertilizing the inferior (feminine) matter (in frequency). on the other, paganism: a supernatural unitary principle separating into a natural duality.

In ancient times, human beings had no capacity for abstraction: abstract principles were represented, notably by masculine/feminine symbols. Nothing to do with men/women genders! The man played the role of spirit, the woman that of matter. 2,000 years later, reading has become literal and historical…

However, man and woman are not complete, they are separated and isolated by their respective natures. This separation of the two genders generates wounds and “ontological” suffering. But this distinction between the sexes is neither accident nor error.

Here are the 3 levels of masculine/feminine distinctions, each with a logic of individual reunification of the 2 polarities (=androgyny):

Material level: creation of non-binary beings, having gone beyond their physical duality of man / woman by fluidly including their opposite. This is the current trend in the LGBT movement. The body becomes androgynous. It is the search for unity in matter.

– Psychic level: man has the anima (his feminine part) and woman the animus (her masculine part): everyone must recognize this and integrate their respective parts of the unconscious into themselves. The psyche becomes fully androgynous and unitary again.

– Spiritual level: beings have both a feminine aspect (allowing themselves to be vertically impregnated and fertilized by divine forces) and a masculine aspect (to express horizontally in matter the unique expressivity of their soul). This is spiritual androgyny.

It is therefore above all in ourselves that we must restore this primordial androgyny, from duality to unity; of 2 making 1: physically, psychologically and/or spiritually.

The future belongs to androgynes.