All growth is an externalization of forces emanating from a non-physical energy center. Any transformation, any form of growth and evolution of consciousness can only come through the development of forces, energies, faculties, powers coming from within the being.

The activities of life and nature always occur through hatchings. At the beginning, everything is in a state of latency, in germ. The march of life goes from seed to fruit, from the still non-existent potential to the possibility of reproducing its result.

Once the seed is planted, a tension is created between 2 polarities: on one side the seed seeking to hatch and germinate. On the other side the resistance of the environment: various hostilities, hardness of the earth, parasites and predators, lack or too much water… Between the latent interior power of the seed and the exterior resistance of the environment: a tension, a frontal relationship of forces is established.

The outside influences an impact on the seed, stirring up and strengthening its life force. Life in the making confronts what already exists. The confrontation between becoming and the old is necessary for the New to be able to express itself. Self-effort is required in order to break through matter and realize one’s own nature. It is the life force which crosses the resistance of matter.

As this realization unfolds and becomes clearer, there is a shift from implicit passivity to self-generated externalization. The incarnation of one’s individual life force must be conscious, contained, sovereign. Under this condition, each person’s unique expression from their inner seed becomes a growth of their consciousness. It is a conquest, a glory, an accomplishment. The inner flame can finally shine.