According to Car Gustav Jung, synchonicity is a simultaneous occurrence of at least 2 events having no causal link. It is a coincidence loaded with meaning, proof of a resonance between our consciousness and the space-time continuum.

The most important thing in a process of awakening and evolution is to discern the positive from the negative, to differentiate between what elevates us and what demeans us. This manifests in matter between a battle between our lower and higher natures. The answer can be difficult because it is subtle and unique. What information do these synchronicities give me? What are their symbolism and meanings? How to tell the difference between positive and negative synchronicities? How can we recognize signs of our evolution, or pitfalls? What synchronicities serve my ego or my soul? Am I continuing my imprisonment, or on the contrary on the path to liberation?

Only an approach of interiority and self-knowledge can allow us to reach these levels of reading. Several authors have written on this topic, including:

Alain BRETHES: Synchronicities, sources of information

Tom MONTALK: Transcending the matrix control system

This article (short for such a deep topic) is an attempt to express the meaning of synchronicities (proving the resonance of our consciousness with the space-time continuum); formulas or concepts being only theoretical attempts to explain a complex and subjective reality. Each being is unique, so is each synchronicity. These concepts are at most only half the answer; the other half is to be found in each of us. I also offer coaching support on synchronicities, to help understand them and receive their messages.

These synchronicities are divided into 9 categories based on the following criteria: from a positive or negative source? manifested internally or externally? If internally: manifested by the ego or the soul? forms of encouragement or resistance?

Negative external resistance: manifesting itself as distraction or diversion, using fear or doubt. Response to prevent a being from evolving, force it to make a bad choice. EX: criticism, ridicule, warnings, temptations…

– Positive external resistance: Calls for discernment and intuition to alert of danger and help. Causes a broadening of consciousness and better discernment. EX: interruption of a plan, delay, blockage, illness…

– Negative external encouragement: Opportunities and misleading messages using ignorance, weaknesses, inferior desires and ego. EX: belief systems offering quick rewards, misinformation, unhealthy opportunities…

– Positive external encouragement: Grace, kindness; occurring after a judicious choice, confirming the alignment of the soul with the being. Appeals to reason and intuition. EX: encouragement, abundance, joy, sincere love…

– Negative inner resistance of the ego: Concerns inertia, habits, addictions; causes procrastination, resistance, blocking to prevent any progress. EX: personal psychological pressures, fear, discouragement or insecurity…

– Positive inner resistance of the soul: It is the heart and mind saying NO in unison, it is intuition and the little voice expressing itself because it is not the right path. EX: saving discernment, message resonating with our wisdom, event ridiculing the ego…

– Negative inner encouragement of the ego: plays on our mechanical conditioning, animal emotions: impatience, trance sensations. EX: feeling of being remotely controlled, emotional states of compulsion, survival instinct, reinforcement of the negative…

– Positive inner encouragement of the ego: Can bring about successes that strengthen the ego, at a time when the soul could have played a role. EX: juicy contract at a moment of spiritual awakening, material and carnal success when the person wants to give it up…

– Positive inner encouragement of the soul: Joys of the heart, mind and soul. Feeling of fullness, of serenity, makes all impatience disappear. EX: emotions of wonder, gains in energy and enthusiasm, spiritual awakening…

Negative and positive are never the same, but can be similar; hence the need for discernment. If faced with ambiguity; turn inward and reflect on our own experiences. Discernment and time will provide all the answers.

Have you experienced synchonicity, but seek discernment to understand their deeper meaning? I offer coaching on this subject.