The material world functions in 4s: the 4 wheels of a car, the 4 seasons, the 4 legs of a table, the 4 points of the compass…
The spiritual world operates in 3s: the law of the ternary. All traditions and cultures operate on this principle:
Father / Holy Spirit / Son
Spirit / soul / body
Keter / Binah / Hokma
Osiris / Isis / Horus
Bhrama / Shiva / Vishnu
Spirit / soul / incarnation
Being / consciousness / bliss
Divinity / reflection / revelation
Essence / signifier / signified
Unconscious / subconscious / conscious
How can we sum up this ternary?
Absolute principle unmanifested / manifestation / manifested
Principle / radiation / result
Examples can be given:
a bicycle wheel: central hub of the wheel governing movement without participating in it / spokes of the wheel / wheel
a cinema projection: projector / image projected into the room / image appearing on the screen
All reality, including its spiritual aspects, operates on this principle.
We have this triptych within us: our body or ego / our soul, linking the eternal and temporal planes / our eternal part.
From which aspect(s) of ourselves can we experience and understand our life experiences?