The human being has several bodies connecting him to as many planes. And his individual growth reflects the evolution of consciousness of humanity.

– At the beginning the child discovers and trains to master his physical body. In the same way, Lemuria was (according to esoteric history) the stage of construction of the physical body of humanity and its relationship to the physical plane.

– Then in adolescence comes the discovery of emotions, feelings and the human relationships that result from them. In comparison, Atlantis was the stage of construction and development of humanity’s astral/emotional body and its relationship with the astral plane.

– Then at the beginning of adulthood, thought becomes structured in a more precise way. Here too, humanity has reached a stage of development of the mental plane.

The physical body allows us to interact with the physical plane of our material reality. This phase of development is well accomplished, because there is a good mastery of this plan in general (sport for the link with the body and its performances, science for its control and its power over matter, etc.). This body also (and above all…) allows us to experience divine material creation.

The emotional body allows us to interact with the astral plane and to know ourselves in relation to this plane. This phase of development continues to be refined. Emotional life is probably the main source of inspiration for fiction and artistic creations. But the astral plane is vast and complex, its knowledge and the discernment required must be sharpened. This body of emotion allows us above all to love divine creation and to link ourselves to our reality and to the divine through love.

The mind allows us to know, to think, to know… Our mind allows us to interact with the mental plane of our reality. But in the same way that a child begins his physical learning with basic movements and numerous falls, our approach to the mind is mainly on its lower aspects which are for example rational, calculation, repetition, analysis.

The path to follow is to be able to develop one’s higher aspects with its human corollaries which are intuition, creativity, discernment, living and revealed knowledge, telepathy… Hence the suspicions that the mental plane has to be avoided, because it often remains associated with only its lower aspects.

And this new relationship with the higher mind will allow us to mentally apprehend the divine and its creation, in order to access its knowledge, understanding, vision…