“the real esoteric work begins only after the neophyte has gone through a general bankruptcy”
Boris Mouravieff
As long as the external being remains in the life of the world, he does not need to carry out an introspection which leads him to face his depths, who he really is. In the rare cases where fortuitous circumstances momentarily bring him face to face with himself, he averts his mental gaze to immediately return to the image he has created of himself.
This comes from a systematic lie to oneself. But the external being is born in lies, lives in lies and dies in lies. Because he is totally foreign to his inner truth. Only painful inner work, driven by life, is capable of leading him out of this illusion in which he lives. But it will then cease to be external.
The gap can be so strong between the external lie and the internal truth within the being, that sometimes the resulting tensions lead to rupture: burn-out, depression, accident… External life then leads to moral bankruptcy .

The construction of being having been done exclusively from the outside, the demolition of this structure is essential to eliminate lies and illusions, and allow the truth to emerge. Once contact with interiority has been made, the real work of the depths can begin. It’s a paradigm shift.