Now humanity has arrived at an intermediate stage between the unconscious and the conscious: conscious of everything known to it, and unconscious of everything else. Modern man has reached a degree of development which allows him to fully understand exotericism, the external constitution of phenomena. But he will only be able to know and understand the causes of the physical reality of his existence when he has united with the interior nature of what animates exterior nature, that is to say its metaphysical component, its first cause.
Because the invisible precedes the visible, the intangible the tangible. Interiority is therefore the path to essence, both its own essence but also the essence of the so-called external reality. What matters is the change of perspective allowing us to perceive the root cause of events. The more the being reaches its depths, the more it will be able to apprehend the depth of its external reality… until the distance is erased, the feeling of separation between the inside and the outside fading little by little. And realize that it was all unity and illusions.
His level of consciousness is now evaluated according to his ability to unite with the essence of the phenomena that surround him, a mirror of his own personal essence. True human excellence is therefore measured by its capacity to act in relation to the causes of objective manifestation, and no longer just its effects. Human beings must understand their existence at the level of its causes, that is to say its essence; their higher goal being to bring the cycle of incarnation to its conclusion, and accelerate the accomplishment of creation.